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Solar Cycles Provide An Excellent Fit To Clouds

Solar Cycles Provide An Excellent Fit To Climate

It has been known for over 200 years that there is a relationship between the price of wheat and sunspots. William Hershel reported that finding to the Royal Society in 1801.  (Herschel, W., 1801, Philosophical Transactions, 91, 265.)  http://rstl.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/91/265.full.pdf+html
It has recently been shown that there is a good correlation between solar cycle length and climate, as this chart shows.

Notice the dip in both solar and temperature from about 1940-1965. There is no such dip in graphs of  CO2.

Graph  adapted by Dr. Tim Patterson.from: Friis-Christensen, E., and K. Lassen, Science, 254, 698-700, 1991

The Sun is a much better short term fit to climate than CO2.

Here is a long term chart of solar cycle length and temperature as implied by an isotope of Oxygen. Historic CO2 levels do not show any of these ups and downs. Again the sun is a better fit than CO2.

Graph from:  Long-term Variations in Solar Activity and their Apparent Effect on the Earth's Climate  K.Lassen, Danish Meteorological Institute, Solar-Terrestrial Physics Division, Lyngbyvej,100, DK-2100 Copenhagen (2), Denmark.

The Sun is a much better long term fit to climate than CO2

There is a close relationship between the number of sunspots and cosmic rays.


Notice that the peaks of the lower (blue) line match up with the valleys of the upper (orange) chart.

There is a close relationship between cosmic rays and cloud cover


Higher cosmic rays, more clouds. (Red arrow from cloud cover peak to cosmic ray peak)


Lower cosmic rays, fewer clouds. (red arrow from  cloud cover dip to cosmic ray bottom.)


“anthropogenic sources alone contributed to a warming of 0.14 +/- .36°C since the beginning of the 20th century.”


“Increased solar activity is responsible for a total increase of 0.47 +/- .19°C”


Total: 0.61 +/- 0.42°C  (compare with IPCC 0.57 +/- 0.17°C)


Shaviv, N. J., 2005. On climate response to changes in the cosmic ray flux and radiative budget. J. Geophys. Rsch., VOL. 110, A08105, doi:10.1029/2004JA010866, 2005   https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1029/2004JA010866

¾ of warming due to solar activity:  Nir J. Shaviv

CO2science has a lengthy list of quality articles about the solar connection at



The Resilient Earth:  Climate Controlling Ocean Thermostat Discovered

A report in the December 3, 2010, issue of Science has reinforced what many scientists have suspected all along: variation in the Sun's output causes significant change in Earth's climate. Writing in “Dynamical Response of the Tropical Pacific Ocean to Solar Forcing During the Early Holocene,” Thomas M. Marchitto, Raimund Muscheler, Joseph D. Ortiz, Jose D. Carriquiry and Alexander van Geen present a high-resolution magnesium/calcium proxy record of Holocene sea surface temperature (SST) from off the west coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Their work is in agreement with the theoretical “ocean dynamical thermostat” response of ENSO to radiative forcing. Here is their description of the work:


   The influence of solar variability on Earth’s climate over centennial to millennial time scales is the subject of considerable debate. The change in total solar irradiance over recent 11-year sunspot cycles amounts to <0.1%, but greater changes at ultraviolet wavelengths may have substantial impacts on stratospheric ozone concentrations, thereby altering both stratospheric and tropospheric circulation patterns. Estimates of the secular increase in total irradiance since the late 17th century Maunder sunspot minimum range from ~0.05 to 0.5%. Values in the middle of this range are sufficient to force the intermediate-complexity Zebiak-Cane model of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) dynamics into a more El Niño–like state during the Little Ice Age (A.D. ~1400 to 1850), a response dubbed the “ocean dynamical thermostat” because negative (or positive) radiative forcing results in dynamical ocean warming (or cooling, respectively) of the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP). This model prediction is supported by paleoclimatic proxy reconstructions over the past millennium. In contrast, fully coupled general circulation models (GCMs) lack a robust thermostat response because of an opposing tendency for the atmospheric circulation itself to strengthen under reduced radiative forcing.


A number of things stand out here. First, irradiance changes that have been dismissed by some in the CO2 fan club were shown to be sufficient to drive changes in the ENSO. Much like the atmospheric solar heat amplifier found previously, seemingly minor changes in solar output can cause big changes here on Earth. Because the Pacific region is so large, any thing that affects the ENSO also affects climate world wide.

Solar variability and climate change: Geomagnetic aa index and global surface temperature

(Geophysical Research Letters  Volume 25, Issue 7, pages 1035–1038, 1 April 1998)

During the past ~120 years, Earth's surface temperature is correlated with both decadal averages and solar cycle minimum values of the geomagnetic aa index. The correlation with aa minimum values suggests the existence of a long-term (low-frequency) component of solar irradiance that underlies the 11-year cyclic component. Extrapolating the aa-temperature correlations to Maunder Minimum geomagnetic conditions implies that solar forcing can account for ~50% or more of the estimated ~0.7–1.5°C increase in global surface temperature since the second half of the 17th century. Our analysis is admittedly crude and ignores known contributors to climate change such as warming by anthropogenic greenhouse-gases or cooling by volcanic aerosols. Nevertheless, the general similarity in the time-variation of Earth's surface temperature and the low-frequency or secular component of the aa index over the last ~120 years supports other studies that indicate a more significant role for solar variability in climate change on decadal and century time-scales than has previously been supposed. The most recent aa data for the current solar minimum suggest that the long-term component of solar forcing will level off or decline during the coming solar cycle







Peer Reviewed Papers on the Sun 2014

Peer Reviewed Papers on the Sun 2015

Peer Reviewed Papers on the Sun 2016 (thru Aug)

20 New Scientific Papers Link Modern Climate Trends To Solar Forcing


A Robust Sun-Climate Connection Increasingly Affirmed By Scientists

“The emerging causal effects from SS [solar activity] to GT [global temperatures], especially for recent decades, are overwhelmingly proved”  — Huang et al., 2017

From:  http://notrickszone.com/2017/02/20/20-new-scientific-papers-link-modern-climate-trends-to-solar-forcing



Indirect Effects of the Sun on Earth’s Climate


From the linked article:

In this article, I explore the scientific literature on possible solar indirect effects on climate, and suggest a reasonable way of looking at them. This should also answer Leif Svalgaard’s question, though it seems rather unlikely that he would be unaware of any of the material cited here. Certainly just about everything in this article has already appeared on WUWT; the aim here is to present it in a single article (sorry it’s so long). I provide some links to the works of people like Jasper Kirkby, Nir Shaviv and Nigel Calder. For those who have time, those works are worth reading in their entirety.







Read the whole, excellent, article at Indirect Effects of the Sun on Earth’s Climate


Table of Contents:

1. Henrik Svensmark

4. Ultra-Violet

2. Correlation

5. The Non-Linear System

3. Galactic Cosmic Rays

6. A Final Quirk

From; https://wattsupwiththat.co m/2010/12/18/cosmically-heliospherically-and-terrestrially-fyi/